Company Overview SpectrumCBM was set up in 2004 by a
group of experienced consultant engineers who wanted to concentrate on promoting standardised, practical condition based maintenance solutions.
Several of the associates first teamed up 25 years ago, and honed their knowledge and experience in a wide range of applications.
Our consultants are recognized world-wide for their maintenance management solutions and research work. Their background includes industrial,
marine and aerospace rotating machinery specialists, vibration specialists, tribology experts, physicists, Royal Navy engineers and training specialists.
We actively support British and International Standards development in the field of Condition Monitoring. We aim to return knowledge back to
industry through research, co-operative partnership, education and on-site effort. We offer impartial, innovative solutions to individual company needs.
Our consultancy efforts have seen productivity improvements and reductions in manufacturing costs through benchmarking and audit processes to the
implementation of maintenance software and services solutions. Our consultants have been involved in projects world wide through many industry sectors, and have brought substantial returns on investment for our
Our expertise ranges from high-level strategic consultancy and maintenance benchmarking, to on the ground software implementation and database
set-up programs, and maintenance planning and management. We specialise in the effective application and training for all techniques of Condition-based Maintenance.